
Healing Homes Magazine Digital ONLY | Entry No. 6 | Spring/Summer 2024

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Healing Homes Magazine Digital ONLY | Entry No. 6 | Spring/Summer 2024


The Healing Homes magazine is a collaborative effort to bring you inspiration and encouragement as you pursue your everyday home. Our homes are sanctuaries from a sinful world. As women, we are tasked with the mission to create homes that lead our families to the joy and beauty of hearts that follow Christ. Join us as we create homes for the glory of God alone.

A Note from the Editor-


Note from the Editor and Creator:

I was recently talking to someone about the power of the sun and earth. Now don’t think I’ve gone off the ledge! There is a lot of good research to suggest that the sun and ground can have a powerful impact on our mood. The next couple of days as I contemplated our conversation, I couldn’t help but be reminded of this passage from Colossians 2:6-7:

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

It was that little word ‘rooted’ that got me. The ground and sun can ‘root’ us during the warm summer months and uplift our mood, but there is a more powerful alternative. The saving grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ and the Word of God are available to us. Through the joyful times and the difficult times, we can stay rooted in Him. Our theme in this issue is ‘rooted’ and I pray and hope you will find inspiration and joy in these pages.


The Healing Homes magazine is a collaborative effort to bring you inspiration and encouragement as you pursue your everyday home. Our homes are sanctuaries from a sinful world. As women, we are tasked with the mission to create homes that lead our families to the joy and beauty of hearts that follow Christ. Join us as we create homes for the glory of God alone.


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